Bring your network or community together by hosting a virtual or in-person screening. We provide a video file for easy playback.
“This is a powerful film providing the truth about vaccines. Be prepared to feel all the emotions, and bring tissues!”
– IPHA Summit 2023 attendee
Some possible ideas include the following:
Panel Discussion – Invite leaders from your organization or experts in your field to discuss the concepts presented. Invite attendees to submit questions for your panelists.
Stories from the Frontlines – Invite healthcare professionals from your community to share their personal stories.
Discussion Groups– Set up breakout rooms/groups where attendees can explore their thoughts and reactions. Use our discussion guides to facilitate conversation.
Workshops– Get experts involved to host a follow-up workshop to serve your audience.
On Demand Virtual Screening Window
The film is also available on-demand for a set window (typically three days) through our online streaming platform. Viewers can access the film at any time during the screening window. It’s a great way to include those who cannot make it to an in-person event or have a scheduling conflict.
The platform is branded to your organization and can be customized with your content, resources, and bonus content recordings. You can even include a welcome video from your leadership.
Your organization can position your event as a fundraiser! There are three ways to raise funds, and you keep 100% of the proceeds:
Sell tickets to attendees.
Request donations during registration or as part of your event program, and in follow-up communications.
Secure corporate sponsors or partners.
We have a variety of tools, templates, and best practices you can use to maximize your fundraising efforts!
Digital Marketing Toolkit
We provide customizable graphics for promoting your event.
Q&A with Oscar Nominated Director
Invite Scott Hamilton Kennedy, the film’s director (or one of the film’s featured cast members) to join your event for a 30-minute post-screening talk-back and make an even bigger impact!
Sharing the Film
As a partner, we’re excited to offer you a full range of resources. We will work collaboratively to explore how a partnership can fit your needs and budget. If a partnership includes multiple components we are glad to discuss flexibility in pricing.
Select the pricing option that best fits your needs. If you don’t see what you need or would like to discuss a custom option, please get in touch with
Private Screening
(Virtual or In-person)
Arrange exclusive showings of the movie for your esteemed colleagues and staff members to have a powerful cinematic experience by organizing private screenings of the movie just for them. With exclusive showings, you can create an intimate and unique viewing environment that will inspire, reinvigorate, and leave a lasting impression on your guests.
Community Screenings and Discussions
(Virtual or In-person)
Looking to host a community event? Consider a free and open-to-the-public feature film screening! Not only can you provide your community with entertainment, but you can also facilitate a Q&A and discussion with local experts following each screening. Plus, by having your company name, logo, and audible recognition at the beginning and end of the film, you can gain exposure and show your support for your community.
Director Presentation and Discussion
(Virtual or In-person)
Provide a captivating presentation of SHOT IN THE ARM by Academy Award Nominee Scott Hamilton Kennedy. The talk will include a showcase of some scenes from the film and insights into how it was created. Scott will take the audience on a journey through the movie, exploring the history of vaccine hesitancy, disinformation, and the individuals who promote it, as well as RFK Jr’s role in the Samoan measles outbreak of 2019 and the subsequent Covid-19 pandemic.
Online Toolkit & Resource Webpage
We offer a customized, comprehensive webpage featuring multiple on-demand streaming versions of the film, (3, 15, 60 and 90 minutes), along with bonus footage and extended interviews. In addition, a branded Screening and Discussion Guide and other downloadable links and PDFs are included. A limited-time public performance license is provided for all staff to use the film in all your organization’s locations, groups, workshops, and community gatherings. A secure turnkey tool is also available, giving staff immediate password-protected access to all resources. The organization’s branding is prominently displayed throughout the webpage and Screening and Discussion Guide.
Additional Partnership Opportunities
· National PBS broadcast – sponsor message at the top and bottom of the film
· Branded social media engagements using clips from the film and additional content